Platforming Intersectionality: Networked Solidarity and the Limits of Corporate Social Media
Mariam — Nicole — Sally — Tamara — Sarra — Marguerita — Yara
Aymar Jean Christian, A.J., Day, F. Díaz, M and Peterson-Salahuddin, C. (2020). Platforming Intersectionality: Networked Solidarity and the Limits of Corporate Social Media. Social Media + Society. 6(3): 1–12.
Production of knowledge seems like it belongs to everyone but this is an illusion because really, algorithms control it.
Algorithms: they control what and who we see, and how we see it. They control what is visible to the audience, but also what stays invisible. Algorithms can reinforce inequality by simplifying complex narratives.
Platforming: misunderstood communities are usually represented through counter-platforms, with the collaboration with local artists and other non-traditional intellectuals. In addition, platforming merges theory with practice which allows for the unmasking of the harmful discourses and practices found in algorithms.
Intersectionality: different intersections of identity lead to varying forms of discrimination. Intersectionality is the critical framework through which we can organize platforming.
Platforming intersectionality: a community-based platforming, utilizing solidarity to expose the power of algorithms to each other and understand there is always a community marginalized.
Deconstructing media power: legacy (traditional) media powers were easier to dissect in terms of ownership and control. Social media is different because algorithms work almost invisibly so it’s harder to understand how power works.
Though in both those cases the same power relations are reinforced and marginalize the same communities.
Queering research: altering our modes of research in ways that oppose the current operating systems through scholarly inquiry and activism.
This also involves admitting how inextricable sexuality is from our identities.
Networked solidarity: when communities join online and find solidarity, this can disrupt or at least expose the way algorithms and major platforms work against them (this shows the power in community-based platforms).
This is a form of counter-platforming which is built on intersectionality.
Intersectional art and artists bring communities together by being in charge of their own self-representation. The relationship between them and the audience is more enhanced through social media.
Local screenings also deepen engagements by connecting everyone in the community through performances, art, and introducing small businesses. Thus letting everyone support creators financially and the community supports each other emotionally, and outside of dominant frameworks.