blog 6

Marguerita Sejaan
2 min readMar 4, 2021


  1. • Textual analysis: focuses on text or wording, problems of sexist language

• Content analysis: focuses on all types of media content, multimodal analysis, the male gaze

• Discourse analysis: the field of meaning, underlying message, patriarchal discourses

2. • Sexist language: are texts in advertisings and media that are sexist

  • Sexist discourse: the underlining sexist meaning in media.

3. • Second-wave or imperialist feminism: Westerners using feminism as a reason to further their imperialist agendas, be it by sending troops, funding NGOs, etc.

• The protection scenario: Western countries invading countries under the guise of protecting women, like in Afghanistan.

• Racial Orientalist: how racism and orientalism influence society’s perception of brown people.

• Self-Orientalization: when someone living in the Orient internalizes the Orientalists’ view of their identity.

• Hymen-centric virginity: virginity is defined by whether the woman has hymen or not.

• Patriarchal: referring to the patriarchy, the systematic sexism that guides our lives.

• Aesthetic conformity: with the rise of plastic surgery, many women now conform to one set look or beauty standard.

• Ideal body or ideal beauty: the patriarchy and advertisements push one set way women should look to be attractive (skinny, white, etc.)

• Commodity feminism or depoliticized feminism: products being advertised as if they are a choice women can take to further their emancipation.

4. Symbolic annihilation: since minorities are so underrepresented in mainstream media, it is almost like they are robbed from a common narrative, and it is like they are erased from every normalized story.

5. Sexualisation is reducing women to just sex symbols. Objectification refers to the ways women are reduced to objects with no narrative in the media, whether it be because they don’t talk, they only exist as sexual images, etc. these depictions are harmful because advertisements affect the ways we view women and further marginalize them.

6. Gender stereotypes refer to certain set ways reinforced by the patriarchy on how each gender should act.



7. The male gaze refers to the way women are portrayed in the media only as sexual objects for male consumption. The male gaze is then also internalized and can exist outside of the media.

8. Ideal femininity and masculinity are constructed in the media by pushing gender stereotypes and beauty standards on consumers.

9. Regimes of beauty or cosmetic surgery: because the ideal beauty standard is so pushed onto us we then partake in ‘regimes’ to attain it, like weight loss programs, surgery, etc.

10. The media mirrors the patriarchy’s control over women’s bodies by reinforcing narratives of male supremacy, gender roles, and censorship.



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